Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arrival: I think I'm in love already!

Well, after an agonizingly long travel period consisting of a 3-hour drive, 1 1/2-hour airport wait, 4-hour flight, 1 1/2 hour layover, 6-hour flight, and 2-hour travel from Heathrow airport to my flat, I'm finally here and happy! (Just as a warning, I didn't sleep much the night before I left, and I definitely didn't sleep a whole lot during transit, so if my sentences don't make sense, that's why).

Here are some of my first impressions and observations about London:
1) Everything is lusciously green: there's ivy everywhere, the trees are in full bloom, and there's flowers everywhere.
2) I LOVE everyone's accents. It's a dream come true to be living in a place where everyone sounds awesome even when they're just saying something as dull as "the next train is the Heathrow Express, and will be arriving in 6 minutes."
3) Nobody expects to be tipped, which is awesome because I am POOR.
4) Everyone drives INSANELY close to each other. The cars are bumper-to-bumper, and motorcycles/mopeds just zip in between the lanes next to the cars. Along that same thought, the lines on the roads are really skinny - only about 1/3 the width of American lines.
5) It's "toilet" or "lavoratory," not "restroom." Also, "phone" or "ring" a friend, don't "call" a friend; go to the "baggage reclaim" not the "baggage claim;" and tell everyone "cheers" (really, they all do!)
6) Everything is so pretty - bricks, wrought iron, windy roads, etc.

There's so much else I want to say, but my laptop's about to die and I haven't bought a converter yet, so I can't charge I'll just post this and catch you all up tomorrow! I love you all!


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