Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On the way!!!!!

Can you believe it?? I'm waiting at terminal C-01 at the SLC airport right now. My flight has begun boarding, but since I'm not first class, I still have a few minutes to wait. I still can't believe that I'm on my way to London, although it's finally starting to feel more real to me by now. :)

So, good story. You ready? My shuttle bus from Rexburg to SLC left at a disgustingly early 3:35 this morning, to get me to the airport at 8:10 for my 10:15 flight. Except it left without me. AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! My alarm didn't go off at 2:45 this morning like it was supposed to. Instead, I woke up with a start at 5:00am and FREAKED OUT. My poor Dad had to drag himself out of bed after a crummy night's sleep with the little boys and drive me down to SLC so I could catch my flight. I feel very blessed that the Lord woke me up at 5:00 so that I still had time to get here and not miss my flight. Anyway, I'm a little worried that I started my trip out by missing my transportation...that could be a bad sign.

I love you all! My next post will be from the great city of LONDON!!!
Oh, and remember, I no longer have a cell phone, so email me, ok?


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