Monday, May 31, 2010

The last few days in pictures con't con't

Saturday May 29
No pictures for today, sorry. I went to Portobello road in the morning (like I do every Saturday morning) to get produce and cheese. I've discovered a new favorite cheese: Spanish Iberico - it's a blend of cow, goat, and ewe milk, with a very mild creamy flavor, and I LOVE it!
I spent the afternoon at a backstage tour of the National Theatre, and a production of the 19th century comedy London Assurance at the same theatre. (Both of those were with the group). The show was very funny, and very well-acted. It was a little too farcical for my tastes, but then, I've always been more partial to dramatic theatre over comedic.

Sunday May 30
Choral Matins at Westminster Abbey. It was absolutely gorgeous! And during the sermon, I was once again reminded of how incredibly blessed I am to have the truth. The whole thing was about the confusing debate of Christianity over whether Christ was human or God while He was on earth. They just don't understand that we had a premortal existence, that he was always divine, and that having a body didn't make him any less divine; in fact, it allowed him to become perfect. It isn't confusing, if you have modern revelation! After the sermon, I studied and compared the first few verses of John 1 and D&C 93:6-18. It's easy to see how they got confused, and how much modern revelation has clarified about the nature of Christ!

Monday May 31
First, how is it already the last day of May? Crazy!
I spent this morning at class, and this afternoon writing a paper. This evening, we went to Arthur Miller's All My Sons. Without a doubt, I can say that it was the best piece of theatre I have seen here. I was floored. The acting was so flawless and real, and the script is so well-written, and the set was amazing. I was literally so drawn in to the story that I experienced the emotions by proxy through those characters on stage, and felt a final release of emotions at the end of the show, like Aristotle talks about in The Poetics. Wow...I really can't even describe how amazing it was. I actually cried. This will probably surprise those of you who know me, who know that I'm quite the crybaby in movies, but I really don't react emotionally to seeing theatre. I just analyze it the whole time, and I'm usually very detached. I just don't care. This time, I cared. I HAD to care. I should just stop trying to describe it, because I'm failing miserably. Side note: we had the most terrible seats...we were in the balcony, and we were so high up that I couldn't even see the actors' faces unless they looked up. I could see the artwork on the ceiling better than the actors. Sad, right? But I still got I that involved in must have been REALLY good!

Cheers, everyone! PS, tomorrow we leave for Stratford-on-Avon for a three day escapade out there. It should be fun!


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