Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where's my mind? Oh, that's right...it's BLOWN!! Cuz today was AWESOME!

NOTE: It's late, I'm tired, and I definitely did not proofread this. Continue at your own risk. :D

Pretty much the best day of my life! Except it's 11pm and I'm exhausted. But I'm going to blog now, because otherwise I probably won't get around to it, let's be honest.

First item of the day: TEMPLE TRIP! I did 14 family names, baptisms and confirmations. I love doing family names: it just makes everything a little more special. It took a long time for the group to get through the temple, so I had plenty of time to read my scriptures and wander through the visitor's center. No really, I mean it took a long time. We only had the priesthood that we brought with us (the two professors and the four guys), which meant that we couldn't do baptisms and confirmations simultaneously. (You need at least 7 to do that, with witnesses and recorders and everything) On top of that, we had to split the girls in half because there weren't enough lockers. So the first half was baptized, then we all changed and went to the confirmation room and were confirmed, then we repeated the process with the second half. Overall, it was a little crazy, but it was a wonderful day in the temple.

We got back to the flats about 3pm, and almost everyone crashed for a nap. I was feeling pretty good, because I slept for most of the bus ride there and back (about 3 hours round trip). So I took off to find a couple of Japanese supermarkets that I've been meaning to check out. The first one was cool, except I couldn't read most of the packages. Duh, Paige. I wandered around that one for a bit and then set off to find the second one. Which, um, never happened. I swear, it doesn't exist. I even had the address. And I saw 47 and 49, but no 48. But, um, bonus(?) I wandered through Soho as I was trying to find it. Ah, Soho. I don't think I walked for more than 1/2 block without seeing some scandalous store name. Well, I'll just tuck that away in the little box in my brain labeled "Places NOT to be During the Second Coming".

Another side note: I also totally found a Japanese toy/manga store during my wanderings. And, being the nut that I am, I almost bought a Bleach keychain. Then I decided that I really didn't need to spend 5 pounds on a keychain. Oh right. So I didn't buy it. Aren't you proud of me? ;) I also didn't buy any of the manga books. Applause would be appropriate here.

After my little side adventure, I went back to the first Japanese market and bought sushi for dinner and a bottle of wasabi to take home. You all think horseradish is powerful? Think again!!! I love wasabi! Oh ya, and the sushi I bought? Definitely raw. I think this is the first time I've ever had raw sushi. I've decided I don't really like it. But, I've now tried real, genuine, authentic raw sushi, and I ate almost all of it (8 whole rolls). Mission accomplished: now I'll go back to eating cooked, which I much prefer. I think I've decided to get myself a sushi rolling mat while I'm here and learn how to make sushi, because that would just be awesome possum.

After I bought dinner, I met up with two other girls to see "Psy" at the Peacock Theatre. BLEW MY MIND!!!!!!! Words cannot describe how incredible it was. Essentially, it was a group of phenomenal circus performers portraying various mental illnesses. There wasn't a lot of dialogue; instead, it was mostly music and acrobatics. There were some group numbers, and almost every cast member had their own 10-15 minutes of solo where they portrayed their specific mental illness. There was insomnia, addiction, agoraphobia, and OCD, just to name a few. The things they did just absolutely blew me away. Their individual physicalities (an acting word that means basically "the little physical traits that are an inherent part of each individual's personality" like talking with your hands, constantly fixing your bangs, or fiddling with the knot of your tie) were stunning, especially Addiction. Some of the most amazing tricks? When the man climbed down the pole with a woman doing a handstand on his head. I'm not kidding. Or when the man was catapulted off of a see-saw and did a triple-back-layout before landing on his feet on a fat gymnastics pad. Or when the woman did an aerial (a hand-less cartwheel) while playing with throwing knives. Oh ya, and every one of them was incredibly muscular. The first solo performer, when he was hanging upside down from a trapeze by his feet, took off his shirt and I could see every muscle in his torso. (Hey, it's like anatomy class. I'll give you the name of the muscle, and you point it out on his so-ripped-that-every-muscle-is-visible back) and I'm pretty sure I drooled a little bit. Just a little bit. :) He was gorgeous! And Miriam (who was there with me) definitely agreed with me.

So ya. That was my totally awesome amazing day. I LOVED IT!!! And PS, I totally have a paper due tomorrow. That I most definitely have not started yet. But it's not due until 5pm, right? I've got time... :) I love you all so much! Cheers!!!

Yes, this is me, with (most of) the cast of Psy! I was definitely brave enough to go up to them and ask for a picture!!!!!!! YES! By the way, they're almost all French. Mmmm...
L-R, we have: hypochondriac, addict, me, manic, hears voices, amnesiac, and OCD. Do I have any idea what their real names are? No. ;)

Isn't the temple pretty? I love temples.

Ya...I couldn't choose just one to post. So I just uploaded two and saved myself the pain of choosing.


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