Monday, May 31, 2010

The last few days in pictures con't

Friday May 28th

Holland park
Pretty to look at, but nowhere to sit and read a book. It was all fenced off and everything was very dense - it had a very foresty feel to it. All of the parks have lots of trees etc, and some of them have a wild, unkempt feeling to them, but they're all still open - you can walk and sit anywhere. So this one was unusual. There was a very pretty Japanese gardens in the middle though. And when I did finally find a spot to sit, I could hear the opera rehearsing. (There's an opera house there, open during the summer). I took a lovely nap, and read a play for class.
All of these pictures are in the Japanese garden.

The koi fish in the pond- there were so many of them, and they were all at least a foot long!

In front of the pretty waterfall

An adorable little girl and her mom feeding the koi bread, like you would feed ducks. That's why I got a picture of so many fish right next to each other. The fish made a funny sucking noise when they came up to the surface and sucked in the bread, especially when they missed the bread and sucked air or each other. Funny!

A view of the Kyoto garden (the Japanese garden in Holland Park)


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