Monday, May 31, 2010

The last few days in pictures

This is the easiest way to do it, and I'm so exhausted that nothing else is gonna happen. Sorry about that...

Thursday, May 27: country walk through Kent
We took a walk through the countryside: it's so picturesque! I kept thinking I was in a Jane Austen movie - I couldn't believe that I was actually walking through reality, and not through a huge time-warp back to the 1800s. I've decided that London is cool, but there's no way I want to live there with the gorgeous countryside just an hour away...I can visit London. I'm going to LIVE in Kent. I'm SO in love with it!

Me at the ruins of Eynsford castle, an 11th century Norman castle. It was pretty awesome!

Rodger (our AWESOME theatre teacher - check out the look on his face...I TOLD him to smile, but no...) and Melissa, one of my roommates.

A pretty bridge we passed by during our walk

Those steps led up to the door of a house...awesome, right?

Our first stop on the walk was a really pretty old church and cemetery, with tombstones dating back into the 1600s if I remember right.


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