Thursday, May 13, 2010

So, as I tucked myself into bed last night, I realized that I completely spaced blogging. I had such a fantastic evening last night that it entirely slipped my mind. Oops! Sorry guys! So, I'll make up for that right now, and blog about yesterday.

It's about noon right now here, and I just woke up an hour ago. It felt fantastic. I haven't slept in the whole time I've been here. The first thing we have scheduled today is a tour of the Globe at 3pm, so I didn't have to get up for anything. I intended to get up and go to the Tate Modern (a modern art museum) but that didn't happen. Oh well. I'll go in between the tour and Midsummer Night's Dream tonight at the Globe.

OK, introduction over. Yesterday:

Class in the morning was standard - I was tired and hungry and antsy, but enjoyed the discussion material anyway. :)

After class, I came home and ate lunch. I think it consisted of rice (again) and a couple of clementines. Speaking of rice: I bought a 4 kilo bag of it when I got here (that's almost 9lbs).'s halfway gone, and it's only been two weeks. Can you tell that I've been eating a lot of rice? Hey, it's cheap, versatile, and convenient. Nevermind that it has no nutritional value. :) It makes a good snack. I actually just made meatballs today for lunch/dinner, and I'm really excited to see how they turn out. I totally just threw together anything that I had, so they're definitely an experiment. Lets see...feta, pork mince, provencal herbs, pepper, rolled oats, milk...doused in a healthy amount of antipasti (that's a canned/pickled blend of artichokes, greek olives, sun dried tomatoes, and peppers. YUM!). It's cooking in the oven right now. I love that I got a bunch of the ingredients I used for super-cheap on Portobello road. Making meatballs with those ingredients would be so expensive in the states, but because I got half of the stuff for basically nothing, I can afford it. :)

Wow, that was a long side note that has nothing to do with yesterday and very little to do with today. Moving on.

After lunch, I wrote that paper that was due at five. Meh. I hate writing papers.

After the paper was done, I hopped on the bus and went to see Taking Steps with the program. OH. MY. HEAVENS. That was the funniest play I've seen in my life, I think. I laughed SO hard!!! It was a really small theatre in the round, so our program filled up nearly half the seats. Since all of us had read the play before we went, we knew when the jokes were coming up, which meant that we laughed even harder (much to the confusion of some of the other audience members, probably). Seriously, if any of you get the chance to see that play, GO SEE IT. And I really hope that you see a good staging of it. Because it's fantastic. Even if you only get to read it, read the script, because it's funny too. I left right after the show was over, but one of my roommates stuck around for a few minutes, and got autographs. I guess one of the actors approached her and asked if she was in the school group that came - which totally threw her off (wait, this is one of the actors. Why is HE approaching ME? Did I do something wrong?) - but of course she told him yes. He proceeded to tell her that we were an "absolutely fantastic audience, thank you so much!" And all she wanted to say was "No, thank YOU for being amazing!!!" Anyway, I LOVED it.

After the show, I was too hyper to go to bed, so I stayed up and watched the newest episode of Bleach. Which was, PS, AMAZING. It totally reminded me why I got hooked on the series in the first place, which was nice, because the filler arc that just ended was terrible and made me really wonder why I even bother watching it. Anyway. That was another super-happy moment in my life yesterday.

Well, I think my meatballs are probably done by now. And I'm hungry. And I need to do laundry...I'm officially out of clean socks and underwear. Which I'm sure you all wanted to know. Umm...ya. But I need to do laundry before the Globe tour in a few hours. LOVE YOU ALL!!!


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